benefits of oolong tea with lemon

benefits of oolong tea with lemon Benefits of lemon to the face can be seen on the body's ability to control the oil production from the inside. Surely you've heard of a natural face mask made ​​from lemons. Unfortunately not all skin types match with high content of vitamin C in this fruit. It could be a pretty face you experience skin irritation because it does not fit to wear a mask of lemon.

With the process into a drink of lemon juice, you do not have to worry about irritation of the skin that may be experienced. Not only that, it tastes good fresh and delicious can be a plus for health.

There is another benefit of lemon juice for slimming diet safely. Of course, a healthy diet should be accompanied everyday. For example, reducing sugar intake, avoid fast food and drinking water in order to increase the metabolism running well.

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